Spring Anime 2021 Short Cap

 Well with the winter of season anime 2021 is wrapping up nicely, we have the spring season right around the corner. Just like winter season we have a lot of good and stacked shows coming up. This is just a quick run down of popular upcoming shows and some shows that I will be keeping up with. (The list of shows I watch tend to add up as the season progresses.)

Of course one of the big hitters this season is the return of "My Hero Academia," season 5.It is easily one of the most well known anime series that aired in recent years. Time to go back to school for the fifth time and learn how to be a hero. I'm very far behind on this series unfortunately. (still on season 2) From what I was watching I certainly had a good time with the show and have no issues with it, it's just other things caught my eye and I just never came back. It'll be airing March 27 and with the love the fans give this series it'll start off with a bang.

Another big series I'm sure a lot of people are looking forward to is, "The World Ends with You The Animations." The series is based off the video game that spawned back in 2007. One of the reasons this series is getting so much tractions is probably because, the creator of Kingdom Hearts, Tetsuya Nomura also made this game. From what we know of the anime it will follow the same story as the original game, so you don't have to worry about playing the game to understand the story. The art style will also be very close to the games which is also a big plus. The series will be planned to air on April 10th.

Manga fans of this next title have been begging for an anime series. (Myself included) "Don't Toy With Miss Nagatoro," will be airing sometime in April. The short version of the story is Nagatoro, a high school student, just enjoys bullying her senpai relentlessly. It's very similar to shows like "Teasing Master Takagi-san" or "Uzaki-chan wants to hang out." A lot of fans were also convinced that this was going to be one of those series that never gets animated but with it's anime debut coming up fans are getting their hopes up again to see "Komi-san Can't Communicate." (Myself included)
